Does Leg Hair Grow Faster When Cold? (Solved & Explained)

You finish shaving but your leg hair still looks fully grown – especially in the winter. What gives?

Does leg hair grow faster when cold?

Leg hair does not technically grow faster when cold. Instead, cold temperatures cause the existing leg hairs to stand up straight, making it appear that hair is growing faster. Leg hair actually grows faster in warmer temperatures. Slow leg hair growth with vitamins, muscle, and less shaving.

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how fast leg hair grows in the cold.

Do Leg Hairs Grow Faster in Winter?

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Woman shaving her legs - Does Leg Hair Grow Faster When Cold
Image by the author via Canva – Does Leg Hair Grow Faster When Cold?

It’s a common question, particularly in the winter when it seems like leg hair is growing at an alarming rate.

Do leg hairs actually grow faster in the cold weather?

The short answer is no, leg hair does not grow any faster in winter. However, there are a few factors that can make it appear as though leg hair is growing at a rapid pace.

For one, the colder weather causes the pores to constrict, which can give the illusion of longer and thicker hair.

Additionally, when legs are covered up for long periods of time, any new growth is more noticeable. So while leg hair may not technically grow any faster in winter, it can seem like it’s growing at an accelerated rate.

Does Leg Hair Grow Faster When You Get Goosebumps?

Have you ever noticed that after getting goosebumps, your leg hair seems to grow back faster?

Well, it turns out that there may be some truth to this old wives’ tale.

A 2020 research study found that the muscle and nerve cells involved in the goosebumps response can actually trigger new hair growth by activating stem cells.

Although more research is needed to confirm these findings, they could have implications for reversing hair loss and understanding wound healing in the skin.

Does Leg Hair Grow Slower in Winter?

Yes, leg hair does grow slower in winter…but only marginally slower.

A research study published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that, on average, leg hair grows slightly faster in summer than in winter. However, the researchers found that this difference was relatively small, and varied from person to person.

Here is the exact wording from the study:

In the scalp the proportion of follicles in anagen reached a single peak of over 90% in March, and fell steadily to a trough in September. The number of shed hairs reached a peak around August/September, when least follicles were in anagen. At this time the average loss of hairs was about 60 per day, more than double that during the preceding winter. The rate of growth of the beard was lowest in January and February and increased steadily from March to July to reach a peak about 60% above the winter level. The rate of growth of thigh hair showed a similar pattern though with less pronounced differences.

In summary, your leg hair grows slightly faster in summer than in winter.

Why Does the Hair on My Legs Grow So Fast?

If you’ve ever wondered why your leg hair grows so fast, you’re not alone.

For some people, it seems like the hair on their legs is growing at an astonishing rate. There are a few different factors that can contribute to this, but the most likely culprit is genetics.

If your parents or grandparents had fast-growing leg hair, chances are you will too.

Ditto for darker or thicker leg hair, which can stand out more than thin, light hair.

In addition, certain medications and hormones can also affect the growth rate of your leg hair.

If you’re going through puberty or experiencing other hormonal changes, you may find that your leg hair is growing faster than usual.

It’s also true that men’s body hair (including leg hair) usually grows faster than women’s hair. Therefore, if your leg hair might grow so fast because of your biological gender.

Most of the time, though, it’s probably just a case of genetics.

But if you’re really concerned, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor. They can help you rule out any underlying medical conditions and give you peace of mind.

How Does Leg Hair Grow?

Leg hair grows in much the same way as hair on other parts of your body.

Hair growth is a complex process that involves three distinct phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen.

During the anagen phase, the cells in the hair follicle divide rapidly and the hair shaft begins to lengthen. This phase can last for several years, and the length of time depends on factors such as age and genetics.

The catagen phase is a brief transitional stage in which the hair follicle shrinks and the growth of the hair shaft slows.

Finally, during the telogen phase, also known as the resting phase, the hair follicle rests and the hair shaft is shed. This phase lasts for about 3-4 months before the cycle begins anew.

Understanding how these three phases work can help to explain why hair grows at different rates and why some people experience shedding or thinning.

How To Make Leg Hair Grow Slower in the Cold

There are a number of different ways to slow down the growth of leg hair:

  • Eat more soy
  • Manage your hormones
  • Shave more often
  • Put on muscle
  • Take vitamin supplements
  • Waxing or laser hair removal

Add More Soy To Your Diet

One way to slow down hair growth is to add more soy to your diet.

Soy contains phytoestrogens, which can mimic the effects of estrogen in the body and help to slow down hair growth. You can find soy in a variety of foods, including tofu, tempeh, edamame, and soy milk.

Shave More Often

Another way to slow down hair growth is to shave more frequently.

Shaving helps to remove the tips of the hair, which can help to slow down the rate of growth. However, it’s important to be careful when shaving, as you don’t want to irritate your skin or cause razor burn.

Put On More Muscle

If you’re looking for a more long-term solution, you may want to consider adding more muscle.

Muscle tissue contains androgen receptors, which can help to prevent the effects of testosterone and slow down hair growth.

Of course, building muscle takes time and commitment, but it can greatly reduce hair growth in the long run.

Reduce Insulin

Maintaining a healthy diet is also important for slowing down hair growth.

A diet that is high in protein and low in carbs can help to reduce the levels of insulin in the body. Insulin is a hormone that promotes hair growth, so reducing its levels can help to slow down the rate of hair growth.

Take Vitamin E and Palmetto Supplements

Vitamin E and saw palmetto are both supplements that can help to reduce hair growth.

Vitamin E helps to block the effects of testosterone, while saw palmetto slows down the production of testosterone. Both of these supplements can be found at most health food stores.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

It’s important to manage stress levels.

Stress can cause a number of different hormonal changes in the body that can lead to increased hair growth. Practicing relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation, can help to reduce stress and slow down hair growth.


Waxing, threading, and plucking are all temporary methods that can help to slow down hair growth.

However, these methods can be painful and may not be suitable for everyone. If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, you may want to consider laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is a safe and popular technique to eliminate or reduce undesirable hair development.

However, it can be expensive and may require multiple treatments.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways to slow down the growth of facial hair. Try out a few of these methods to see what works best for you.

Here is a good video about how to stop your leg hair from growing so fast:

YouTube video by Ask About Games – Does Leg Hair Grow Faster When Cold?

How To Make Leg Hair Grow Faster In the Cold

If you want your leg hair to grow faster, you should probably do the opposite of most of the advice about slowing down your hair growth.

Here are some tips:

  • Don’t wax or get laser hair removal
  • Avoid packing on muscle
  • Get more biotin
  • Exfoliate your legs
  • Use a hair growth serum

Increase Your Intake of Biotin

This vitamin helps promote healthy hair growth.

You can find biotin in foods like eggs, salmon, and avocados. Alternatively, you can take a biotin supplement.

Start Using an Exfoliating Scrub

Exfoliating your legs will help to remove dead skin cells and improve circulation.

This will in turn help to promote hair growth. Look for an exfoliating scrub that contains ingredients like sugar or coffee grounds.

Use a Leg Hair Growth Serum

A leg serum helps to nourish the skin and hair follicles.

This can encourage faster hair growth. Look for a serum that contains ingredients like vitamin C or rosehip oil.

How To Make Leg Hair Stop Growing Forever

If you’re tired of constantly waxing, plucking, shaving, or tweezing unwanted hair, you might want to consider laser hair removal.

While it’s not a permanent solution, it can provide long-lasting results.

Laser hair removal applies a concentrated light beam to the hair follicle. The heat from the laser damages the follicle, which prevents the hair from growing back.

Most people require several ssessions to get the results they want.

However, once treatment is completed, most people enjoy smooth, hair-free skin for months or even years.

FAQs Related To How Fast Leg Hair Grows

Here are some commonly asked questions about leg hair and growth rates.

How Much Does Leg Hair Grow In a Week?

Leg hair typically grows at a rate of 1/4 of an inch per week.

That means you’ll typically see a growth of around 1/2 an inch every 30 days and a full inch every two months.

Over the course of a year, leg hair would grow 6 inches (that’s pretty long).

Does Leg Hair Grow Faster Than Head Hair?

Yes, leg hair typically grows slightly faster than head hair.

But this varies by:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • General Health
  • Other factors

How Fast Does Leg Hair Grow Back for Guys?

For most guys, leg hair grows back in just a few weeks.

Leg hair grows back for men and women in cycles of 30-45 days. That means a new cycle starts about every month to month in a half.

Guys with a genetic disposition for fast-growing hair will grow their leg hair more quickly.

How Fast Does Leg Hair Grow Back After a Tattoo?

After getting a tattoo, leg hair grows back in approximately 4-6 weeks for most people.

The exact timing differs for different people based on health, medication, family history, and lifestyle.

Does Body Hair Grow Faster in the Cold?

Nope, the pace of body hair growth is about the same in the cold as any other time.

In fact, body hair grows slightly faster in warmer or hot temperatures – just like leg hair.

Final Thoughts: Does Leg Hair Grow Faster When Cold?

While your personal experience may seem different, your leg hair growth typically does not accelerate when temperatures drop.

We have a lot of other articles on this site about cold weather, so check a few of them out before you go.

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