Skijoring Dog: Best Breeds & Equipment Guide (2023)

Skijoring is an exhilarating winter sport that combines skiing and dog-powered propulsion.

It’s a fantastic way to enjoy the great outdoors with your four-legged friend, and it’s gaining popularity every year. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the best breeds for skijoring, essential equipment, and helpful tips to get started.

Here are the best breeds for skijoring.

Best Breeds for Skijoring

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Dog in the snow - skijoring dog
This is my image – skijoring dog

Choosing the right breed for skijoring is crucial to ensure both you and your dog enjoy the activity safely.

A good skijoring dog should be strong, athletic, and have a high endurance level. Some breeds excel in this sport due to their natural traits and working dog backgrounds.

Let’s dive into the top breeds for skijoring.

Top Three Breeds for Skijoring

  1. Alaskan Malamute
  2. Siberian Husky
  3. German Shorthaired Pointer

Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamutes are powerful, energetic dogs with a thick double coat that protects them from harsh winter conditions.

They have a strong work ethic and were initially bred for sled pulling, which makes them excellent candidates for skijoring. Alaskan Malamutes also have a strong pack mentality, which makes them eager to please their owners.

Siberian Husky

Siberian Huskies are well known for their stamina and speed.

Bred as sled dogs in Siberia, they are ideally suited for winter sports like skijoring. They are intelligent, fast learners, and have a good work ethic.

Their friendly and social nature makes them a popular choice for skijoring enthusiasts.

German Shorthaired Pointer

Though not a traditional sled dog breed, the German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) is an excellent skijoring candidate due to its impressive athleticism, high energy levels, and strong work ethic.

They are fast and agile, with a natural instinct to pull.

GSPs are also highly trainable, making them a versatile option for skijoring enthusiasts looking for a non-traditional breed.

Skijoring Dog Breed Comparison Chart

Siberian HuskySpeed, endurance, work ethicRequire significant exercise and mental stimulation
Alaskan MalamutePower, cold-weather adaptability, work ethicCan be stubborn, heavy shedders
German Shorthaired PointerAgility, trainability, athleticismNot as cold-weather adapted as other breeds
Skijoring Dog Breed Comparison Chart

Breeds Less Suitable for Skijoring

While many breeds can participate in skijoring to some extent, there are certain breeds that might not be well-suited for the sport due to their size, physical limitations, or temperament.

It’s important to consider your dog’s individual abilities and consult with your veterinarian before starting any new activity.

Here are some breeds that may not be ideal for skijoring.

Small Breeds

Small dog breeds like Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, or Dachshunds may struggle with skijoring due to their size and limited pulling power.

They may also be more susceptible to cold weather-related injuries.

Brachycephalic Breeds

Breeds with short noses and flat faces, such as Bulldogs, Pugs, or Boxers, are known as brachycephalic breeds.

These dogs have difficulty breathing during intense exercise and may overheat more quickly, making skijoring a risky activity for them.

Dogs with Physical Limitations

Dogs with joint issues, hip dysplasia, or other physical limitations may not be suitable for the demanding nature of skijoring.

Always consult with your veterinarian to determine if your dog is physically capable of participating in the sport.

Essential Skijoring Equipment for Dogs (and Humans)

To ensure a safe and enjoyable skijoring experience, it’s essential to invest in quality equipment for both you and your dog. The right gear will provide comfort, safety, and optimal performance.

Here’s a good list of the equipment you’ll need.


A proper harness is crucial for your dog’s comfort and safety while skijoring.

It should distribute the pulling force evenly across your dog’s chest and shoulders to prevent injury. A popular choice is the X-back harness, which is designed specifically for pulling sports.

My dog, Luna, a Siberian Husky, has been using an X-back harness, and she’s comfortable and performs well in it.


The towline connects your dog’s harness to your skijoring belt.

It should be strong, lightweight, and flexible, with a built-in shock absorber to reduce the impact of sudden jerks.

Towlines usually have a quick-release mechanism for added safety. Remember to choose a towline that meets the length requirements set by skijoring organizations (typically between 8 and 12 feet).


A comfortable and well-fitting skijoring belt is essential for the human participant.

It should distribute the pulling force evenly around your hips and lower back to prevent strain or injury. Look for a belt with adjustable straps and a quick-release mechanism for emergencies.

My skijoring belt has padded lumbar support, which I find very helpful during longer sessions.

Skis and Poles

For skijoring, it’s best to use classic cross-country skis and poles.

Skis with metal edges provide better control and grip in various snow conditions. Choose poles that are sturdy and have comfortable, adjustable straps.

The appropriate ski length and pole height will depend on your height and skill level.

Safety Gear

Safety should always be a priority when participating in any outdoor activity.

For skijoring, consider the following safety equipment:

  • Helmet: Protects your head from injury in case of falls or collisions.
  • Goggles: Shields your eyes from wind, snow, and debris.
  • Reflective clothing and gear: Increases your visibility to others, especially in low-light conditions.

Investing in Quality Equipment

High-quality equipment is crucial for a safe and enjoyable skijoring experience.

Quality gear will last longer, perform better, and provide increased comfort for you and your dog. Investing in the right equipment upfront can save you money in the long run by reducing the need for replacements or repairs.

Luna and I have been using top-notch equipment since we started skijoring, and it has made a significant difference in our performance and enjoyment of the sport.

Skijoring Dog & Equipment FAQ

I get asked about skijoring all the time, so let’s answer some of the most common questions I get about skijoring with dogs.

How Old Should a Dog Be for Skijoring?

Dogs should be at least 12-18 months old before starting skijoring, as their bones, joints, and muscles need time to develop fully.

Always consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate age for your dog to begin skijoring.

Is Skijoring Good for Dogs?

Skijoring can be an excellent form of exercise for dogs that are physically capable and enjoy outdoor activities.

It helps to build muscle, improve cardiovascular health, and promote mental stimulation.

Make sure to monitor your dog’s condition and adjust the intensity and duration of skijoring sessions as needed.

Is Skijoring Safe for Dogs?

Skijoring is safe for dogs when practiced responsibly, using appropriate equipment, and following proper training techniques.

Consider your dog’s physical capabilities and consult with your veterinarian before starting any new activity.

Can My Dog Pull Me on Skis?

Yes, if your dog is physically capable, well-trained, and suited for skijoring, they can pull you on skis.

The key is to choose the right breed, invest in quality equipment, and follow proper training techniques to ensure both you and your dog enjoy a safe and fun experience.

How Much Weight Can a Dog Pull?

The amount of weight a dog can pull depends on factors such as breed, size, age, and physical condition.

Generally, a healthy, well-conditioned dog can pull up to three times their body weight. I can’t say this enough: check with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate weight limit for your dog.

How Old Is Too Old for a Dog to Skijor?

There’s no specific age limit for a dog to skijor, as it depends on their overall health and physical capabilities.

However, older dogs may experience joint issues or decreased stamina, making skijoring more challenging.

This is even more reason to seek the wise recommendation of your veterinarian to see if your senior dog can participate in skijoring safely.

Do Dogs Need Boots for Skijoring?

Dog boots can be beneficial for protecting your dog’s paws from cold, snow, ice, and abrasive surfaces during skijoring.

They can also provide extra traction for your dog on slippery terrain.

However, not all dogs require boots, and some may not tolerate wearing them. It’s essential to monitor your dog’s paws for any signs of injury or discomfort and decide whether boots are necessary for your specific situation.

Can I Skijor with Multiple Dogs?

Yes, you can skijor with multiple dogs, but it requires more advanced handling skills and training for both you and your dogs.

Make sure your dogs are compatible, have similar running paces, and respond well to commands.

Additional equipment, such as a neckline to keep the dogs together and a double-towline attachment for your belt, may be necessary.

How Do I Choose the Right Harness for My Dog?

Selecting the right harness for your dog involves finding one that is designed specifically for pulling sports, like an X-back or H-back harness.

The harness should fit snugly, without restricting your dog’s movement or causing discomfort.

It should distribute the pulling force evenly across your dog’s chest and shoulders, minimizing the risk of injury.

Make sure to measure your dog accurately and follow the manufacturer’s sizing guidelines when choosing a harness.

What Type of Skis Should I Use for Skijoring With My Dog?

Classic cross-country skis with metal edges are the best choice for skijoring.

The metal edges provide better control and grip on various snow conditions, and the classic cross-country design allows for easier maneuvering on trails.

Here are some of my favorite equipment for skijoring with my dog:

Skijoring EquipmentMost Recommended
HarnessNeewa Sled Pro Harness
TowlineNeewa Tug Line with Bungee
Skijoring SystemRuffwear Dog Joring System (Belt, Harness, Tug line)
Cross-Country Ski PackageCross Country Ski Package (Skis, Poles, Boots, Bindings)
Winter Apparel (Men)Skijoring Pants
Winter Apparel (Women)Skijoring Pants
Best Skijoring equipment table

Getting Started with a Skijoring Dog

Now that you know the best breeds for skijoring and the essential equipment you’ll need, it’s time to hit the trails.

Start with basic obedience training to establish a strong bond and mutual trust with your dog.

Then, introduce your dog to the harness and towline, gradually building up to pulling weight.

Practice commands tailored to skijoring. Take time to familiarize yourself with skiing techniques, and consider taking a skijoring class or joining a local club for guidance and support.

Remember, skijoring should be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your dog.

Be patient, stay consistent with your training, and most importantly, have a great time.

Before you go, check out this good video about how to get started with a skijoring dog:

YouTube video by SAMA – How to start skijoring

Final Thoughts

We have a lot of other articles on this site about skijoring, skiing, and all things winter weather.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you’ll be back again soon.

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